- base market value
- базовая рыночная стоимость
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
base market value — The average market price of a group of securities at a specific time. Used for the purpose of indexing. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
open market value — In the context of property transactions, the best price that might reasonably be expected for property, or an interest in property, from an unconnected third party on a certain date. A valuer would normally base such a valuation on an average of… … Law dictionary
market — [mär′kit] n. [ME < NormFr < L mercatus, trade, marketplace, pp. of mercari, to trade < merx (gen. mercis), wares, merchandise < ? IE base * merk̑ , to seize] 1. a) a gathering of people for buying and selling things, esp. provisions… … English World dictionary
base cost — For the purposes of calculating the capital gain realised on the disposal of an asset, for capital gains tax purposes, the base cost i.e. the original cost of the asset, is deducted from the price received. The base cost is subject to adjustment… … Law dictionary
value — The importance placed on something by an individual. Value is subjective and may change according to the circumstances. Something that may be valued highly at one time may be valued less at another time. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary * * * ▪ … Financial and business terms
base stock method — noun Etymology: base (III) : an accounting method of valuing inventories by carrying on the books a minimum quantity of a commodity at the same low fixed price from year to year and valuing the quantity in excess of the minimum at a separate… … Useful english dictionary
Value averaging — Value averaging, also known as dollar value averaging (DVA), is a technique of adding to an investment portfolio to provide greater return than similar methods such as dollar cost averaging and random investment. It was developed by former… … Wikipedia
Market share analysis — is an important part of market analysis and indicates how well a firm is doing in the marketplace compared to its competitors. Givon, Mahajan, and Muller have researched spreadsheet and word processing software firms to give a clearer image of… … Wikipedia
value — [val′yo͞o] n. [ME < OFr, fem. of valu, pp. of valoir, to be strong, be worth < L valere < IE base * wal , to be strong > WIELD] 1. a fair or proper equivalent in money, commodities, etc., esp. for something sold or exchanged; fair… … English World dictionary
valore base del mercato — Eng. base market value Indica il prezzo medio di un paniere di titoli in un dato momento, misurato per poter analizzare successivamente l andamento del mercato in relazione alle variazioni subite dagli stessi titoli presi come riferimento … Glossario di economia e finanza
Market Technicians Association — The Market Technicians Association (MTA) is a non profit, global, professional organization of Technical Analysts based out of New York City. The MTA seeks to educate the financial community and public, increase the use of Technical Analysis, and … Wikipedia